Coconut Rhinoceros Beetle
Mālama Learning Center is working closely with the Hawai'i Department of Agriculture through a grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture to heighten awareness about the Coconut Rhinoceros Beetle (CRB) throughout West O'ahu communities, and lead residents to take action to reduce habitat for these invasive pests. CRB is not native to Hawai'i and attacks, as its name implies, coconut trees as well as other palms, including the native Hawaiian loulu. It can kill these trees through boring through the trunk. Larvae of CRB are often found in green waste and mulch piles. To be successful, we must work together to reduce habitat for the CRB.
Our outreach and education program on the CRB continues as the job is not done! We've witnessed considerable damage to coconut and loulu (native) palm trees, which is very alarming. Please join our Backyard Beetle Watch program to be part of the solution! Contact us at info(at) for information on how you can help!
Mahalo for Coming to Our Backyard Gardening Expo on May 11, 2019!
New Posters!
Our Invasive Species Intern, Mahina Cavalieri, made these beautiful posters for use at our outreach booths. Click on them to download a copy.
Lesson Plans for Teachers by Teachers
In 2017, Mālama Learning Center worked with teachers from various public schools on the Leeward Coast of O'ahu to learn about the Coconut Rhinoceros Beetle and how to prevent its population from expanding. We are pleased to provide a sampling of lessons developed by some of these teachers who have generously given their permission to share these lesson plans with anyone interested in teaching about the Coconut Rhinoceros Beetle. These lessons span in grade levels (from grades 3-12) and subjects (science, math, health, and AP statistics). We're pleased that through the creativity of teachers, their students connected their studies to place-based and real life issues.
Mahalo a nui loa to all who came to the Chase the CRB! Halloween Spooktacular! on Saturday, October 10 the Pearl City Urban Garden Center! We loved how kids and adults alike dressed up as a favorite bug or other costume for a fun night. We hunted for the invasive Coconut Rhinoceros Beetle and other critters, told spooky stories, spoke with "mad scientists," learned to garden sustainably, and tasted 'ono food made from coconut.
Watch the following videos created by Kapolei High School's Hurricane Films and Outside Hawai'i (OC16) in partnership with the Mālama Learning Center.
Educational Videos On Coconut Rhinoceros Beetle
Coconut Rhinoceros Beetles in Hawai'i - A Community Effort to Control it from Malama Learning Center on
Find out more information about the Coconut Rhinoceros Beetle in Hawai'i from the following websites:
Hawai'i Department of Agriculture
Hawai'i Department of Land and Natural Resources
O'ahu Invasive Species Committee
Hawai'i Department of Agriculture
Hawai'i Department of Land and Natural Resources
O'ahu Invasive Species Committee
If you think you see Coconut Rhinoceros Beetles or signs of them, please REPORT this right away to:
Phone: 808-643-PEST (7378)
Email:; [email protected]
Phone: 808-643-PEST (7378)
Email:; [email protected]
Copyright © 2024 Mālama Learning Center, All rights reserved.