In addition to supporting the 3 Rs (Reading, 'Riting, and 'Rithmatic), Mālama Learning Center believes in the 5 Cs:
Conservation - Create a model for protecting and preserving our precious natural, environmental and cultural resources, operating with a minimal footprint and building a sustainable community for generations to come.
Creativity - Enrich the learning Environment for students of all ages, cultivating a living laboratory for sciences and a 3-D canvas for artistic and creative expression.
Community - Draw from native Hawaiian traditions and diverse cultural values to build a growing and vibrant Kapolei community.
Caring - Learn to take care of others and ourselves, promoting healthy and nurturing lifestyles.
Careers - Open minds and doors to green careers that have a net benefit on the environment as well as provide economic and social sustainability for Hawaii's families.
Mālama Learning Center approaches its work with the following values in mind:
Principles of sustainability and the message of “mālama” (caring) will be evident in all aspects of MLC’s operations, including its activities and performances.
The universal values and traditions of Native Hawaiians, our host culture, will be at the core of our programs and will be recognized, respected and perpetuated.
The synergy of the arts, sciences, environment, business, and technology will bring people together and lead to transforming results.
MLC’s programs will be responsive to the needs and wants of our community.
MLC will be inclusive rather than exclusive. While the target audience will be residents of West O‘ahu, participation is open to the public for people of all ages.