1-Pagers on Living Sustainability Over the years, we have developed simple, single sheets to help those interested in living more sustainably learn some new things. Many of these ideas are timeless. These are resources we are happy to make free to the public.
Aloha 'Āina Packets The Aloha ‘Āina Packets provide keiki with fun activities that can connect them to ʻāina from home while we “shelter-in-place” during the COVID-19 crisis. All activities in the packet can be done with the 'ohana! We encourage you to download and print the packets.
Healthy Recipes Mālama Learning Center often comes across recipes too great not to pass on. Mahalo to all who are willing to share their recipes with our visitors to encourage healthy living.
Invasive Species
Agricultural Snails - Mālama Learning Center is partnering with Bishop Museum to train student interns to be invasive snail experts! They can help teach you about the pests that may be lurking in your gardens, nurseries, and farms.
Coconut Rhinoceros Beetle - Mālama Learning Center is helping to curb the spread, and ultimately eradicate the invasive Coconut Rhinoceros Beetle from O'ahu. Learn how you can help!
Step-By-Step Videos Check out this creatively crafted step-by-step videos created by our MLC staff ranging in topics from native Hawaiian plant propagation, outplanting, and more!
Lessons/Curriculum Looking for lessons or curriculum related to native Hawaiian plants, ecosystem restoration, and 'āina? Feel free to look through these resources developed by our MLC staff, which are directly tied to our restoration work.
Ulūlu Translocation Project Mālama Learning Center had the pleasure of creating outreach materials for this ground-breaking and successful conservation project to establish a self-sustaining population of endangered Millerbirds on Laysan Island.
Videos We occasionally have the pleasure of working with students and professionals on creating short videos to educate the larger public about our projects. While many are interspersed on this website, we'd like to share more with you here. We hope you will enjoy these videos as much as we do!
Wai Huihia Kumu Network The Wai Huihia Kumu Network is a concept we are putting into practice that provides a space for teachers with varying levels of experience in 'āina-based education to: come together to exchange knowledge, ideas, and resources; learn from each other as well as from other organizations; and build new skills to help them feel more confident and supported to implement 'āina-based education.