Mālama Learning Center has created many programs, most in partnership with other groups as that is the way we work and the best way we can be most effective at reaching a wide audience for the long-term. Through these partnerships, we reach thousands of students, teachers, and community members every year. More than one-time experiences, we pride ourselves in providing multiple, if not, multi-year experiences that deepen relationships and offer support that will change lives as well as the environment around us. Please learn more about our current programs on this website. And contact us if you would like to participate in or otherwise support these programs.
ʻĀina-Based Education Certification
Hawaiʻi Green Collar Institute - short-term courses for students and teachers to provide experiences in green collar careers
Mālama ʻĀina Field School - summer program for middle to high school students from the moku of ʻEwa and Waiʻanae
Ola Nā Kini- an all-encompassing native and edible forest regeneration program designed to heal the land, ocean, and multitude of life through engagement and education. The latest addition to this program is the Urban ʻĀina project at Awāwalei, in which we work with communities to learn how to be more self-sufficient by growing plants that provide food and resources to sustain their families and our culture.
Outside Hawaiʻi TV - a statewide television show on Spectrum OC16 that Mālama Learning Center has had the privilege to lead since 2021.
Wai Huihia - A Kumu (Teacher) Network for ʻĀina and Place-Based Learning
Waiʻanae Wildfire Mitigation Outreach - a collaborative effort with Kaʻala Farm, Hawaiʻi Wildfire Management Organization and many others to reduce the risks of wildfires through proactive demonstration actions.
WOW- Without Walls - hands-on workshops for families and the community
Mālama Learning Center does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability in its programs or activities.