Hawai'i Green Collar Institute
Fall 2020 Session (Rescheduled from Spring 2020) 'Ewa 'Āina Inventory - Environmental Issues & Careers in 'Ewa Moku October 5-7, 2020 8am-12pm via Zoom *Times may vary on some days* We are recruiting high school students in grades 10-12 from Leeward O‘ahu, particularly from the Kapolei and ‘Ewa regions, to learn about environmental issues in Hawai‘i, ecosystem and community resilience, and next generation stewardship. This three-day session during Fall break will focus on 'Ewa 'Āina Inventory - Environmental Issues & Careers in 'Ewa moku. Each day will feature fun lessons, guest speakers, and hands-on activities that foster a connection to place. Huaka'i (field trips) to sites in 'Ewa will be tentatively planned for Winter Break if it's safe to do so. Apply today! Please complete the online application. Contact [email protected] for more information or if you have any questions. The application deadline is September 23, 2020 or until program is filled. You will be notified by September 25 on whether or not you're selected for this program. There will be a refundable $25 program fee due to Mālama Learning Center after notification of acceptance into this program to reserve your spot. This fee will be refunded for full participation in the three online dates. Students from the 'Ewa and Kapolei regions will be given preference to align with grant objectives from the Kamehameha Schools 'Ewa Region that are subsidizing most costs. Students from other districts are welcome to apply and will be accepted based on space availability. This session of HGCI is conducted by Mālama Learning Center with support from many partners. Funding is provided generously by the Kamehameha Schools 'Ewa Region.
Hawai'i Green Collar Institute
Professional Development Workshop for Teachers Snails & Rat Lungworm in Hawai'i June 24, 2020 9am-12pm FREE ONLINE WORKSHOP! The Mālama Learning Center would like to invite you to join us for the Snails and Rat Lungworm in Hawaiʻi Teacher PD on Wednesday June 24, 2020. Learn all about Snail and Rat Lungworm from the comfort of your home. Grades 6-12 teachers are encouraged to attend this workshop to gain first-hand knowledge from Bishop Museum’s Malacologists performing the most extensive research on snails in the Pacific. Researchers will introduce teachers to lessons that will connect students to local issues surrounding invasive species and Rat Lungworm. You will also get to hear from several high school interns and learn about some of the things they were able to do as a part of their snail survey internship experience. Through this course, you will learn the following: How to identify native and invasive snails in Hawaiʻi, how to manage pest species in your school's gardens, ways to survey for snails on your school's campus and all about Rat Lungworm such as the life cycle, symptoms of Rat Lungworm Disease and ways to prevent it. Join this workshop and learn about snails and Rat Lungworm, receive resources to teach about these topics, and get to know the researchers performing ground-breaking research! Applications are due by June 12, 2020. Please register @ shorturl.at/zXY09 by June 12, 2020. This is a non-credit professional development workshop and no portfolio is required. However, the first 20 teachers that register and complete this virtual workshop will receive FREE educational resources and classroom supplies to help teach about the topics covered in the workshop- we strongly encourage you to sign up as soon as possible! Preference will be given to teachers from Central and West Oʻahu schools. For more information, please see the flyer attached below. Hawai'i Green Collar Institute
Professional Development Workshop for Teachers 'Āina Education Resources of Waiʻanae February 22, 2020 - 8:00 am - 3:00 pm Are you a teacher in the Waiʻanae region interested in learning more about the ʻāina resources of your moku? Grades 4-12 teachers are encouraged to attend this workshop to learn about the opportunities and resources available in the moku of Waiʻanae. Teachers will get to participate in place-based, hands-on experiences at the Cultural Learning Center at Kaʻala, otherwise known as Kaʻala Farm. Participants will see how education can seamlessly incorporate STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, math), HĀ (Nā Hopena A’o), and standards such as NGSS. Teachers will learn about the environmental and cultural resources within the Waiʻanae community, receive resources for place-based curriculum/lessons pertaining to Waiʻanae, and get to know more organizations in the Waiʻanae moku doing 'āina-based work where you can potentially take your students to in the future! Tentative Agenda (Subject to Change) -Huaka'i to Kaʻala Farm -Service learning at Kaʻala Kipuka -Kaʻala Farm tour -Service learning at the loʻi -Guest speakers from PALS/PLACES will talk about ʻāina resources available for teachers This is a non-credit professional development workshop and no portfolio is required. All applicants must submit an application form. The application deadline February 14, 2020 or until program is filled. A $20 non-refundable program fee is required after acceptance into the program to reserve your spot. This session of HGCI is conducted by Mālama Learning Center with support from many partners. Funding for this session is provided generously by Kamehameha Schools Waiʻanae Region and NOAA BWET Hawai'i. This PD workshop is a part of our Wai Huihia Kumu Network. The Wai Huihia Kumu Network is a new program that will provide a space for teachers with varying levels of experience in 'āina-based education to: come together to exchange knowledge, ideas, and resources; learn from each other as well as from other organizations; and build new skills to help teachers feel more confident and supported to implement 'āina-based education. Starting in January 2020, MLC will facilitate monthly meetings and teacher PDs. With support from the Mālama Honua Learner Fund from the Hawaiʻi Department of Education maintained by the STEMS2 program at UH Mānoa, we are pleased to offer cash incentives to help build the Wai Huihia Kumu Network. Grades K-12 D.O.E. teachers who participate in activities coordinated by the Mālama Learning Center for the Wai Huihia Kumu Network will be eligible for a stipend of $25/hour. This incentive will be offered until June 2020 or until funds run out, whichever comes first. Mahalo nui loa to Professor Tara O’Neill of UH Mānoa, College of Education, for her tremendous support of our Wai Huihia Kumu Network and building a sustainable community around Mālama Honua! Contact us at [email protected] for more information or if you have any questions. SESSION HAS BEEN CANCELLED DUE TO COVID-19 PRECAUTIONS
Hawai'i Green Collar Institute Spring 2020 Session 'Ewa 'Āina Inventory - Environmental Issues & Careers in 'Ewa Moku March 16-20, 2020 8am-3pm* *Times may vary on some days; overnight camp on 3/17-3/18 SESSION HAS BEEN CANCELLED DUE TO COVID-19 PRECAUTIONS We are recruiting high school students in grades 10-12 from Leeward O‘ahu, particularly from the Kapolei and ‘Ewa regions, to learn about environmental issues in Hawai‘i, ecosystem and community resilience, and next generation stewardship. This five-day session during Spring break will focus on 'Ewa 'Āina Inventory - Environmental Issues & Careers in 'Ewa moku. There will be an overnighter at Camp Pālehua, field trips, hands-on activities, and much more! Please complete the online application. Contact [email protected] for more information or if you have any questions. The application deadline is February 16, 2020 or until program is filled. A $25 program fee is required after acceptance into the program to reserve your spot. Students from the 'Ewa and Kapolei regions will be given preference to align with grant objectives from the Kamehameha Schools 'Ewa Region that are subsidizing most costs. Students from other districts are welcome to apply and will be accepted based on space availability. This session of HGCI is conducted by Mālama Learning Center with support from many partners. Funding is provided generously by the Kamehameha Schools 'Ewa Region. Hawai'i Green Collar Institute
Professional Development Workshop for Teachers 'Āina Education Resources of 'Ewa January 25 & February 8, 2020 - 8:00 am - 3:00 pm Teachers in the 'Ewa region are encouraged to attend this workshop to gain first-hand knowledge from community experts and participate in place-based, hands-on experiences in the moku of 'Ewa that will connect teaching to local and global issues. Participants will see how education can seamlessly incorporate STEAM, HA (Nā Hopena A’o), and NGSS. Come and learn about the environmental and cultural resources of this moku (region), get ideas and are inspired to create place-based curriculum/lessons pertaining to 'Ewa, and get to know more organizations in the 'Ewa moku doing 'āina-based work! Tentative Agenda (Subject to Change) Day 1 - Wai/Kai Resources of 'Ewa -'Ewa 'Āina Inventory Resource -Huaka'i & service trip to Kapapapuhi (Mālama Pu'uloa) -'Ewa Limu Project Presentation & Lesson w/Uncle Wally Ito (Kua'āina Ulu 'Auamo) Day 2 - Mauka Resources of 'Ewa -Huaka'i to Pā cultural site w/Ranger Thomas Anuheali'i -Huaka'i & service trip to Pālehua Mauka Nursery -Talk story w/Dr. Manulani Meyer on Cultural Landscaping Project at UH West O'ahu -'Ewa mo'olelo lesson This is a non-credit professional development workshop and no portfolio is required. This PD workshop is a part of our Wai Huihia Kumu Network. The Wai Huihia Kumu Network is a new program that will provide a space for teachers with varying levels of experience in 'āina-based education to: come together to exchange knowledge, ideas, and resources; learn from each other as well as from other organizations; and build new skills to help teachers feel more confident and supported to implement 'āina-based education. Starting in January 2020, MLC will facilitate monthly meetings and teacher PD's. With support from the Mālama Honua Learner Fund from the Hawaiʻi Department of Education maintained by the STEMS2 program at UH Mānoa, we are pleased to offer cash incentives to help build the Wai Huihia Kumu Network. Grades K-12 teachers who participate in activities coordinated by the Mālama Learning Center for the Wai Huihia Kumu Network will be eligible for a stipend of $25/hour. This incentive will be offered until June 2020 or until funds run out, whichever comes first. Mahalo nui loa to Professor Tara O’Neill of UH Mānoa, College of Education, for her tremendous support of our Wai Huihia Kumu Network and building a sustainable community around Mālama Honua! All applicants must submit an application form. Contact us at [email protected] for more information or if you have any questions. The application deadline January 5, 2020 or until program is filled. A $40 non-refundable program fee is required after acceptance into the program to reserve your spot. This session of HGCI is conducted by Mālama Learning Center with support from many partners, Funding for this session is provided generously by Kamehameha Schools 'Ewa Regions and NOAA BWET Hawai'i. Hawai'i Green Collar Institute
Fall 2019 Session Bridging Island Communities Toward Conservation Stewardship October 7-11, 2019 8am-3:30pm* *Times may vary on some days; Overnight camp on October 8 to 9. We are now recruiting high school students grades 10-12 from Leeward and Windward O‘ahu to learn about environmental issues in their communities and future jobs in “green collar” careers during Fall Intersession break. This will be our first time including students from Windward O'ahu and we are excited to bring Leeward and Windward students together to bridge communities in service of the 'aina. There will be an overnight camp, field trips, hands-on activities, and much more! All applicants must submit an application form. Please complete the online application form. Applications are due September 13, 2019 (or until program is filled). A $25 program supply fee will be required after acceptance into the program to reserve your spot. Contact [email protected] for more information or if you have any questions. This session of HGCI is conducted by Mālama Learning Center with support from many partners. Funding is provided generously by the Environmental Protection Agency. Hawai'i Green Collar Institute
Spring 2019 Professional Development Workshop for Teachers STEAM Connections to Climate Change, Wildfire, and Community Resilience February 23 and March 2 - 8:00 am - 2:30 pm This new workshop will expose teachers to real-world and timely issues of climate change, wildfire, and community resilience that can easily become authentic learning experiences for students. Public, charter, and private school teachers of grades 4-12 students from O’ahu are encouraged to attend to gain first-hand knowledge from community experts and participate in place-based hands-on experiences in the ahupua’a of Honouliuli that will connect teaching to local and global issues. Participants will see how education can seamlessly incorporate STEAM, HA (Nā Hopena A’o), and NGSS. Workshop will take place at various sites including Kapolei High School, Camp Pālehua and UH West O'ahu. Funding from grants make it possible to offer this workshop at a low fee of $40, which includes lunch, refreshments, and take-home resources. Also as a bonus, Leeward O’ahu teachers (from ‘Ewa to Wai’anae) who complete both sessions and develop a plan to implement project-based STEAM lessons based on this workshop are eligible to receive $250-$500 toward project implementation (e.g., for supplies, bus, and field experiences). A simple proposal will be required. This is a non-credit professional development workshop and no portfolio is required. This experience may support teachers’ license renewal. All applicants must submit an application form. Contact us at [email protected] for more information or if you have any questions. The application deadline is February 8, 2019 or until program is filled. A $40 non-refundable program fee is required after acceptance into the program to reserve your spot. Hawai'i Green Collar Institute
Spring 2019 Session Mālama 'Āina - Perspectives Mauka to Makai March 18-22, 2019 8am-3pm* *Times may vary on some days; overnight camp on 3/19-3/20 We are now recruiting high school students grades 10-12 from Leeward O‘ahu, particularly from the Kapolei and 'Ewa regions, to learn about environmental issues in your community and future jobs in “green collar” careers during Spring Intersession break. The focus of this session will be, Mālama 'Āina - Perspectives Mauka to Makai. There will be an overnight camp, field trips, hands-on activities, and much more! All applicants must submit an application form. Please complete the online application. Contact [email protected] for more information or if you have any questions. The application deadline is February 15, 2019 or until program is filled. A $25 program fee is required after acceptance into the program to reserve your spot. This session of HGCI is conducted by Mālama Learning Center with support from many partners. Funding is provided generously by the Kamehameha Schools 'Ewa Region. Hawai'i Green Collar Institute Fall 2018 Session Mālama 'Āina - Perspectives Mauka to Makai October 8-12, 2018 8am-3pm* *Times may vary on some days; overnight camp on 10/9-10/10 This session has concluded. We are now recruiting high school students grades 10-12 from Leeward and West O‘ahu to learn about environmental issues in your community and future jobs in “green collar” careers during Fall Intersession break. The focus of this session will be, Mālama 'Āina - Perspectives Mauka to Makai. There will be an overnight camp, field trips, hands-on activities that integrate art, and much more! All applicants must submit an application form. Please download the application materials below or complete the online application by clicking on: goo.gl/forms/2LjHK0vebN2WoOaj1 Contact [email protected] for more information or if you have any questions. The application deadline is September 14, 2018 or until program is filled. A $25 program fee is required after acceptance into the program to reserve your spot. This session of HGCI is conducted by Mālama Learning Center with support from many partners. Funding is provided generously by the Kamehameha Schools. HGCI Fall 2018 Application Instructions HGCI Fall 2018 Application Form HGCI Fall 2018 Reference Form Announcing a New Professional Development Opportunity for Teachers Who Care About Our Environment . . . Ola Nā Kini - Restoring the Watershed (Part 1 - Growing Native & Edible Plants) This new course will give grades 4-12 teachers opportunities to connect their students to real-world environmental problems and solutions from a place- and culture-based framework, based on Mālama Learning Center’s Ola Nā Kini program.
- Gain hands-on experience in native plant propagation and outplanting. - Network with local conservation professionals and teachers at various sites. - Learn about opportunities for field trips, volunteer programs, and internships that will prepare students for college and ‘āina-based careers. - Practice hands-on lesson plans that integrate HĀ outcomes with STEAM approaches. - Earn three PDE3 credits upon completion of all requirements (pending PDE3 approval). Dates: Saturdays: February 3, February 10, & February 24, 2018 8:00am – 4:00pm Plus two 1- hour Google Hangout sessions with other teacher participants. Full attendance required. Upon acceptance, you will be directed to the PDE3 course site to register. Course fee: $50, which includes lunch on all 3 days, payable to Mālama Learning Center Registration Deadline: January 19, 2018 *Preference will be given to teachers at Leeward O‘ahu schools Upon acceptance, you will be directed to the PDE3 course site to register. Course fee: $50, which includes lunch on all 3 days, payable to Mālama Learning Center This session of HGCI is conducted by Mālama Learning Center in partnership with PDE3. Funding for this program is provided with support from NOAA BWET, Kamehameha Schools Wai‘anae Region, and Marisla Fund of the Hawai‘i Community Foundation. For more information, email: [email protected] or call 808-305-8287. |
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