Apply for the Hawai'i Green Collar Institute (HGCI) Aloha ʻĀina Internship program today!
This program is coordinated by the Mālama Learning Center during the DOE Spring Break for West O'ahu high school students in grades 9-12. There are 10 available spots. The program dates are March 18-22, 2024, in-person from 8:30 AM - 2:30 PM. This five-day spring break internship program will expose students to a variety of restoration sites from mauka to makai. The goal is to expose local students to the breadth of "green" careers in Hawai'i through engaging learning experiences to further develop their understanding of mālama ʻāina through our work at various restoration sites and native plant nurseries as well as at partner sites. Each day, students will have an opportunity to visit a different ʻāina site. We will accept qualified applications as we get them so best to apply early! Aloha ʻĀina Interns can earn a $500 stipend if they complete at least 40 hours of approved ʻāina-based volunteer service. Through this internship, students will earn up to 28 hours of volunteer service during Spring Break. Students who successfully complete additional requirements will also be eligible to receive an ʻĀina-Based Education Certificate for Haumāna. There will be a $25 deposit due to Mālama Learning Center after notification of acceptance into this program to reserve your spot. This deposit is refundable if you participate fully during Spring Break. We will provide transportation to and from our huaka'i sites from Kapolei High School (our meeting location each day). TO APPLY; PLEASE FILL OUT THE FOLLOWING APPLICATION If you have any questions about the program, please email Evy Braum at [email protected]. The Hawai'i Green Collar Institute is a program of Mālama Learning Center with support from many partners. This session of HGCI is funded with generous financial support from Kamehameha Schools Kaiāulu Program and Disney.
Hawai'i Green Collar Institute
PDE3 Hybrid Course for Teachers Bringing Hawaiʻi Trees and Forests into Your Classroom Course begins on February 1, 2024 Portfolios are due on March 22, 2024 (see specific dates below) Are you a leeward Oʻahu DOE teacher and HSTA member interested in learning more about how to connect ʻāina and forests of Hawaiʻi to create authentic learning for your students? If so, you are encouraged to register for this PDE3 course, designed to connect teachers to outdoor and virtual classrooms to expand engaging and authentic learning for their students related to trees and forests that support aina-based (environment-based) learning and ike Hawaii (Hawaiian knowledge). Teachers will build a connection to place, utilize in-class and outdoor lessons based on trees and forests in their communities, and be inspired to create lessons that support 'āina-based learning and 'ike Hawai'i. PDE3 Course Dates: -Thursday, February 1, 2024 (online): 3:00 pm-5:00 pm -Thursday, February 8, 2024 (online): 3:00 pm-5:00 pm -Tuesday, February 13, 2024 (online): 3:00pm-5:00 pm -Thursday, February 29, 2024 (online): 3:00 pm-5:00 pm -Friday, March 22, 2024: Portfolios DUE! In-Person Dates: Saturday, February 10, 2024 (8 am - 3 pm) - Huakaʻi Teachers will have a choice of a field trip with Mālama Learning Center at our Awanui Restoration site in Pālehua and at another site with Trees for Honoluluʻs Future. ATTENDANCE at all of the above sessions is Mandatory. Thursday, February 15, 2024 (9:30 and 10:45 am shows) Symphony of Hawaiʻi Forests (Optional) You are invited to take your students to the Symphony of Hawaiʻi Forests at the Hawaiʻi Convention Center on February 15 for one of the shows at 9:30 am or 10:45 am. Admission is FREE and registration is required. ADDITIONAL INCENTIVES: We have additional cash and in-kind incentives (e.g. trees, technical support, and field trips) to support teachers who develop exemplary lessons as part of this course. Registration is now closed as the course has begun. Contact [email protected] for more information or if you have any questions. This course is conducted by Mālama Learning Center in partnership with the City & County of Honolulu, Department of Parks & Recreation; Hawaiʻi Department of Education, Office of Hawaiian Education; Disney; and Hawai'i State Teachers Association. |
māLAMA LEARNING CENTERTeaching and inspiring communities to live and work in a healthy, sustainable way Archives
January 2025
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