Applications for the Hawai'i Green Collar Institute (HGCI) Aloha ʻĀina Internship Program are now open! This program is coordinated by Mālama Learning Center (MLC) during the DOE Spring Break for West O'ahu high school students in grades 9-12. There are 10 available spots; the participant must be new to the internship (no repeats). Preference will be given to students who have participated in other programs conducted by MLC and students with Native Hawaiian ancestry. The program dates are March 17-21, 2025, in-person from 8:30 AM - 2:30 PM. This five-day spring break internship program will expose students to a variety of restoration sites from mauka to makai.
To reserve your spot, a $25 deposit is due to Mālama Learning Center after notification of acceptance into this program. This deposit is refundable if you participate fully during Spring Break. We will provide transportation to and from our huaka'i sites from Kapolei High School (our meeting location each day).
TO APPLY, PLEASE FILL OUT THE FOLLOWING APPLICATION If you have any questions about the program, please email Evy Braum at [email protected]. The Hawaiʻi Green Collar Institute is a program of Mālama Learning Center with support from many partners. This session of HGCI is funded with generous financial support from Kamehameha Schools Kaiāulu Program.
"Exploring Aloha ʻĀina Solutions Toward Sustainability Through the Mālama ʻĀina Field School" is a hybrid course that is designed to give teachers opportunities to explore an ʻāina-based learning course for students in action -- the Mālama ʻĀina Field School (Field School) summer program on Oʻahu, now in its 12th year. The Field School links STEM, English/language arts, social studies, Hawaiian culture and language, and art with an emphasis on Problem-Based Learning, leadership, and service to the community. DOE teachers who successfully complete all requirements of this course are eligible to receive 3-credits through PDE3.
Course Requirements:
The $50 course fee is required after acceptance into this course. This fee covers supplies and lunch on July 10. Checks can be made out to Mālama Learning Center. Credit card payment plus a 3% fee is also an option. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis until midnight (HST) on May 26. Space is limited; we encourage you to apply today! Teachers outside of the DOE will be accepted on a space available basis. If you are seeking credit, please go to the PDE3 website and put yourself on the "waitlist" for this course IS188739 Section: 313190 in addition to filling out this application form. You will be moved from the waitlist after being accepted into this course and the fee is paid. For teachers from the "Canoe" district (Maui - Molokaʻi - Lānaʻi), travel stipends may be available based on financial need and funding availability. This PDE3 course is a program of the Mālama Learning Center and is made possible with the support of the Hawaiʻi Department of Education, Kamehameha Schools, and AINA-IS program. Please contact [email protected] for more information or with any questions you may have. Apply for the Hawai'i Green Collar Institute (HGCI) Aloha ʻĀina Internship program today!
This program is coordinated by the Mālama Learning Center during the DOE Spring Break for West O'ahu high school students in grades 9-12. There are 10 available spots. The program dates are March 18-22, 2024, in-person from 8:30 AM - 2:30 PM. This five-day spring break internship program will expose students to a variety of restoration sites from mauka to makai. The goal is to expose local students to the breadth of "green" careers in Hawai'i through engaging learning experiences to further develop their understanding of mālama ʻāina through our work at various restoration sites and native plant nurseries as well as at partner sites. Each day, students will have an opportunity to visit a different ʻāina site. We will accept qualified applications as we get them so best to apply early! Aloha ʻĀina Interns can earn a $500 stipend if they complete at least 40 hours of approved ʻāina-based volunteer service. Through this internship, students will earn up to 28 hours of volunteer service during Spring Break. Students who successfully complete additional requirements will also be eligible to receive an ʻĀina-Based Education Certificate for Haumāna. There will be a $25 deposit due to Mālama Learning Center after notification of acceptance into this program to reserve your spot. This deposit is refundable if you participate fully during Spring Break. We will provide transportation to and from our huaka'i sites from Kapolei High School (our meeting location each day). TO APPLY; PLEASE FILL OUT THE FOLLOWING APPLICATION If you have any questions about the program, please email Evy Braum at [email protected]. The Hawai'i Green Collar Institute is a program of Mālama Learning Center with support from many partners. This session of HGCI is funded with generous financial support from Kamehameha Schools Kaiāulu Program and Disney. Hawai'i Green Collar Institute
PDE3 Hybrid Course for Teachers Bringing Hawaiʻi Trees and Forests into Your Classroom Course begins on February 1, 2024 Portfolios are due on March 22, 2024 (see specific dates below) Are you a leeward Oʻahu DOE teacher and HSTA member interested in learning more about how to connect ʻāina and forests of Hawaiʻi to create authentic learning for your students? If so, you are encouraged to register for this PDE3 course, designed to connect teachers to outdoor and virtual classrooms to expand engaging and authentic learning for their students related to trees and forests that support aina-based (environment-based) learning and ike Hawaii (Hawaiian knowledge). Teachers will build a connection to place, utilize in-class and outdoor lessons based on trees and forests in their communities, and be inspired to create lessons that support 'āina-based learning and 'ike Hawai'i. PDE3 Course Dates: -Thursday, February 1, 2024 (online): 3:00 pm-5:00 pm -Thursday, February 8, 2024 (online): 3:00 pm-5:00 pm -Tuesday, February 13, 2024 (online): 3:00pm-5:00 pm -Thursday, February 29, 2024 (online): 3:00 pm-5:00 pm -Friday, March 22, 2024: Portfolios DUE! In-Person Dates: Saturday, February 10, 2024 (8 am - 3 pm) - Huakaʻi Teachers will have a choice of a field trip with Mālama Learning Center at our Awanui Restoration site in Pālehua and at another site with Trees for Honoluluʻs Future. ATTENDANCE at all of the above sessions is Mandatory. Thursday, February 15, 2024 (9:30 and 10:45 am shows) Symphony of Hawaiʻi Forests (Optional) You are invited to take your students to the Symphony of Hawaiʻi Forests at the Hawaiʻi Convention Center on February 15 for one of the shows at 9:30 am or 10:45 am. Admission is FREE and registration is required. ADDITIONAL INCENTIVES: We have additional cash and in-kind incentives (e.g. trees, technical support, and field trips) to support teachers who develop exemplary lessons as part of this course. Registration is now closed as the course has begun. Contact [email protected] for more information or if you have any questions. This course is conducted by Mālama Learning Center in partnership with the City & County of Honolulu, Department of Parks & Recreation; Hawaiʻi Department of Education, Office of Hawaiian Education; Disney; and Hawai'i State Teachers Association. "Exploring Sustainable Agriculture Solutions through Problem-Based Learning Approaches in the Mālama ʻĀina Field School" PDE3 Course (#AR188102, Section #310878) explores a field-based program linking STEAM & culture, emphasizing problem-based learning, leadership, and community service in our Mālama ‘Āina Field School summer program focusing on sustainable agriculture. DOE teachers who successfully complete all requirements of this course are eligible to receive 3-credits through PDE3.
Course Requirements:
Course Fee: There is a $25 course fee required after acceptance into this course. Checks can be made out to Mālama Learning Center. Credit card payment plus a 3% fee is also an option. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until midnight (HST) on May 26. We encourage you to apply today! Teachers outside of the DOE will be accepted on a space available basis. To apply for this course, please fill out the following application. If you are seeking credit, please sign up for this course on the PDE3 website in addition to filling out this application form. This PDE3 course is a program of the Mālama Learning Center and is made possible with the support of the Hawai'i Department of Education's Office of Hawaiian Education. Please contact [email protected] for more information or with any questions you may have. Hawai'i Green Collar Institute
Spring 2023 Session Solution Pathways for Sustainable Agriculture as the Climate Changes March 13-17, 2023 8:30am-3:00pm Overnighter at Camp Pālehua on 3/14 We are recruiting high school students in grades 9-12 from West O‘ahu to learn about environmental issues in Hawai‘i including food systems, environmental and community resilience, health, and next generation stewardship. This five-day session during Spring break will focus on, Solutions Pathways for Sustainable Agriculture as the Climate Changes. Each day will feature fun lessons, guest speakers, and hands-on site visits that foster a connection to people and place including an overnighter at Camp Pālehua. Apply today! Please complete the online application. Contact [email protected] for more information or if you have any questions. The application deadline is February 20, 2023 or until the program is full. We will continue to recruit until the program is filled so best to apply early! You will be notified by February 27 on whether or not you're selected for this program. There will be a $25 program fee due to Mālama Learning Center after notification of acceptance into this program to reserve your spot. The Hawai'i Green Collar Institute is a program of the Mālama Learning Center with support from many partners. This session of HGCI is funded with generous financial support from Kamehameha Schools Ho'oulu Kaiāulu Program. Hawai'i Green Collar Institute
PDE3 Hybrid Course for Teachers Bringing Hawaiʻi Trees and Forests into Your Classroom Course being on February 16, 2023 Portfolios are due on May 10, 2023 (see specific dates below) This course is now PDE3 approved! Are you a DOE teacher interested in learning more about how to connect ʻāina and forests of Hawaiʻi to create authentic learning for your students? If so, you are encouraged to sign up for this PDE3 course to learn and experience how education can seamlessly incorporate STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, math), HĀ (Nā Hopena A’o), and standards such as NGSS. Teachers will build a connection to place, utilize in-class and outdoor lessons based on sites with trees and forests in their communities, and be inspired to create lessons that support 'āina-based learning and 'ike Hawai'i. PDE3 Course Dates: *Subject to change* -Thursday, February 16, 2023 (online): 3:00 pm-5:00 pm -Thursday, February 23, 2023 (online): 3:00 pm-5:00 pm -Thursday, April 27, 2023 (online): 3:00 pm-5:00 pm -Wednesday, May 10: Portfolios DUE! In-Person Dates For Moloka'i Teachers: Saturday, March 4 from 8:00 am - 2:30 pm. We will be working with Moloka'i Land Trust and Papahana Kuaola. In-Person Dates For O'ahu Teachers (choose one): Tuesday, March 14 from 8:30 am – 3:00 pm We will be working with Mālama Learning Center and Hawaiʻi Agriculture Research Center in Kunia. *This is during Spring Break. Saturday, March 25 from 8:30 am – 3:00 pm We will be working with the University of Hawaiʻi's Urban Garden Center in Pearl City. Every in-person experience will be different so we can learn from each other about these sites and what we “take away” from them and what we can “give back” to our students and ʻāina. Registration Instructions Hawai'i Green Collar Institute: Bringing Hawaiʻi Trees and Forests into Your Classroom (Hybrid) SC187887 Sec 310026 INSTRUCTIONS 1) Go (PDE3) and add yourself to the wait-list for a specific section of a course 2) Next, go to and make payment for that specific course section 3) Lastly, once payment is received, HSTA will move you from the “Wait-List” to “Registered” on PDE3 and your enrollment will be confirmed via email Refund/Cancellation Policy: If you need to cancel your registration for this course once you have paid, please remember that full refunds will only be given up to 14 calendar days PRIOR to the State Date of the Course. Read the full HSTA refund/cancellation policy here: There is a $150 per person registration fee for this course. Upon completion and submission of the portfolio, the registration fee will be reimbursed. Contact [email protected] for more information or if you have any questions. This course is conducted by Mālama Learning Center in partnership with HSTA and with support from the Hawaiʻi Forest Institute and University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa Music Department. It is also funded by grants from the Hawai'i Tourism Authority and the Kaulunani Urban and Community Forestry Program of the DLNR Division of Forestry and Wildlife, and State and Private Forestry, branch of the U.S.D.A. Forest Service, Region 5. USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer, and lender. Hawai'i Green Collar Institute Spring 2022 Session Community Serving 'Āina Careers in West O'ahu March 14 - 18, 2022 8:30am-12:30pm Virtual Orientation (Monday) 8:30am-3:30pm In-Person Days (Tuesday - Friday) We are recruiting high school students in grades 9-12 from West O‘ahu to learn about environmental issues in Hawai‘i, ecosystem and community resilience, and next generation stewardship. This five-day session during Spring break will focus on, Community Serving 'Āina Careers in West O'ahu. Each day will feature fun lessons, guest speakers, and hands-on site visits that foster a connection to people and place. Huaka'i (field trips) will be planned for this week, but is subject to change depending on COVID-19 mandates at that time. Apply today! Please complete the online application. Contact [email protected] for more information or if you have any questions. The application deadline is February 25, 2022 or until the program is full. We will continue to recruit until the program is filled so best to apply early! You will be notified by March 4 on whether or not you're selected for this program. There will be a $25 program fee due to Mālama Learning Center after notification of acceptance into this program to reserve your spot. The Hawai'i Green Collar Institute is a program of the Mālama Learning Center with support from many partners. This session of HGCI is funded with generous financial support from Kamehameha Schools Kaulu Papahana Huakaʻi program. Hawai'i Green Collar Institute PDE3 Hybrid Course for Teachers Learning Through the 'Āina of 'Ewa and Wai'anae September 21 - December 28, 2021 (see specific dates below) This course is now PDE3 approved! Are you a DOE teacher interested in learning more about the ʻāina resources within the mokus of 'Ewa and Wai'anae? If so, you are encouraged to sign up for this PDE3 course to learn and experience how education can seamlessly incorporate STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, math), HĀ (Nā Hopena A’o), and standards such as NGSS. Teachers will learn about the environmental and cultural resources within these regions, meet organizations stewarding 'āina sites, and be inspired to create lessons that support 'āina-based learning and 'ike Hawai'i.
PDE3 Course Dates: *Subject to change* -Tuesday September 21 (online): 3:30pm-5pm -Thursday September 23 (online): 3:30pm-5pm -Thursday September 30 (online): 3:30pm-5pm -Thursday October 7 (online): 3:30pm-5pm -Monday October 11 (in-person): 8am-3pm -Wednesday October 13 (in-person): 8am-3pm *Choose one in-person date to attend." -Thursday October 21 (online): 3:30pm-5pm -Tuesday November 30: Portfolios DUE! -Tuesday December 28: Course pau! Registration Instructions Hawaii Green Collar Institute: Learning Through the Aina of Ewa and Waianae Moku (Hybrid) IS186956 Sec 306735 INSTRUCTIONS 1) Go (PDE3) and add yourself to the wait-list for a specific section of a course 2) Next, go to and make payment for that specific course section 3) Lastly, once payment is received, HSTA will move you from the “Wait-List” to “Registered” on PDE3 and your enrollment will be confirmed via email Refund/Cancellation Policy: If you need to cancel your registration for this course once you have paid, please remember that full refunds will only be given up to 14 calendar days PRIOR to the State Date of the Course. Read the full HSTA refund/cancellation policy here: There is a $150 per person registration fee for this course. Upon completion and submission of the portfolio, the registration fee will be reimbursed. Hawai'i Green Collar Institute
Spring 2021 Session Reviving Hawaiʻi’s Estuaries and Aquatic Resources: Marine Conservation Career Exploration for West O’ahu Students March 15-19, 2021 8:30am-12:30pm Virtual Days (Mon-Tues) 8:30am-2:30pm In-Person Days (Wed-Fri) We are recruiting high school students in grades 9-12 from West O‘ahu to learn about environmental issues in Hawai‘i, ecosystem and community resilience, and next generation stewardship. This five-day session during Spring break will focus on, Reviving Hawai'i's Estuaries and Aquatic Resources: Marine Conservation Career Exploration for West O'ahu Students. Each day will feature fun lessons, guest speakers, and hands-on activities that foster a connection to place. Huaka'i (field trips) to a few sites will be planned for this week, but is subject to change depending on COVID-19 mandates at that time. Apply today! Please complete the online application. Contact [email protected] for more information or if you have any questions. The application deadline is February 26, 2021 or until program is filled. You will be notified by March 5 on whether or not you're selected for this program. There will be a $25 program fee due to Mālama Learning Center after notification of acceptance into this program to reserve your spot. Scholarships may be available for students with financial need. This session of HGCI is conducted by Mālama Learning Center with support from many partners. Funding is provided generously by the National & Oceanic Atmospheric Administration Marine Education & Training Program. |
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January 2025
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