Our Staff

Adam Kekaula Hanohano, Field Operations Specialist
[email protected]
Kekaula Hanohano was raised throughout the 'Ewa moku and draws inspiration from stories of its abundance and in his optimism that ‘āina momona will return to the region. He currently resides at Pālehua with his wife and 3 keiki who are his greatest advocates and are the source of his motivation. Kekaula is a graduate of the Plant Biology and Tropical Agriculture program at Leeward Community College and is currently on hiatus from the Sustainable Community Foods program at the University of Hawaiʻi West Oʻahu. What drew Kekaula to the Mālama Learning Center is the work being done to lift up and support the West Oʻahu community, the wide range of ‘āina stewardship projects, and a vision which paints a hopeful future for all of Hawaiʻi. A love for ‘āina has thoroughly enveloped Adam’s life and free time is often spent working on outside projects or with his ‘ohana engaged in related activities. Kekaula is a firm believer in Ma ka hana ka ‘ike [in working one learns] and is guided by a Mark Twain quote whichstates, “Don't let schooling interfere with your education.”
[email protected]
Kekaula Hanohano was raised throughout the 'Ewa moku and draws inspiration from stories of its abundance and in his optimism that ‘āina momona will return to the region. He currently resides at Pālehua with his wife and 3 keiki who are his greatest advocates and are the source of his motivation. Kekaula is a graduate of the Plant Biology and Tropical Agriculture program at Leeward Community College and is currently on hiatus from the Sustainable Community Foods program at the University of Hawaiʻi West Oʻahu. What drew Kekaula to the Mālama Learning Center is the work being done to lift up and support the West Oʻahu community, the wide range of ‘āina stewardship projects, and a vision which paints a hopeful future for all of Hawaiʻi. A love for ‘āina has thoroughly enveloped Adam’s life and free time is often spent working on outside projects or with his ‘ohana engaged in related activities. Kekaula is a firm believer in Ma ka hana ka ‘ike [in working one learns] and is guided by a Mark Twain quote whichstates, “Don't let schooling interfere with your education.”

Evy Braum, 'Āina Education Program Manager
[email protected]
Evy returned to Mālama Learning Center after completing her Master's degree from the University of Hawai`i at Mānoa, Natural Resources and Environmental Management program. We first met Evy as a Kupu Americorps environmental education intern as she worked with Jeremy Soriano in his biology classes. She then taught biology at Kapolei High for one year before returning to college to earn her graduate degree. Now, Evy expands our efforts in 'āina education, working with new audiences of students and teachers as well as helping to facilitate growth of our Ola Nā Kini education program. We're so happy to have Evy serving MLC in this leadership role!
[email protected]
Evy returned to Mālama Learning Center after completing her Master's degree from the University of Hawai`i at Mānoa, Natural Resources and Environmental Management program. We first met Evy as a Kupu Americorps environmental education intern as she worked with Jeremy Soriano in his biology classes. She then taught biology at Kapolei High for one year before returning to college to earn her graduate degree. Now, Evy expands our efforts in 'āina education, working with new audiences of students and teachers as well as helping to facilitate growth of our Ola Nā Kini education program. We're so happy to have Evy serving MLC in this leadership role!

Jenna Ishii Menen, Deputy Director
[email protected]
Jenna joined Mālama Learning Center in August of 2024 as the Deputy Director. She received her BA in Communications at the University of California in San Diego. After graduating, Jenna moved home to Hawai‘i where she volunteered as a crew member and worked for the Polynesian Voyaging Society. She was the Education Coordinator for the Mālama Honua Worldwide Voyage and the Executive Assistant to the President. Jenna was on the founding Board of Mālama Honua Public Charter School and co-created environmental education programs including Grow Hawai‘i Farm to School Program, the Oʻahu Farm to School Network, and the Hawaiʻi Farm to School Hui. Jenna and her husband Chase have three children and spend their free time surfing, fishing, and enjoying the outdoors with their family.
[email protected]
Jenna joined Mālama Learning Center in August of 2024 as the Deputy Director. She received her BA in Communications at the University of California in San Diego. After graduating, Jenna moved home to Hawai‘i where she volunteered as a crew member and worked for the Polynesian Voyaging Society. She was the Education Coordinator for the Mālama Honua Worldwide Voyage and the Executive Assistant to the President. Jenna was on the founding Board of Mālama Honua Public Charter School and co-created environmental education programs including Grow Hawai‘i Farm to School Program, the Oʻahu Farm to School Network, and the Hawaiʻi Farm to School Hui. Jenna and her husband Chase have three children and spend their free time surfing, fishing, and enjoying the outdoors with their family.

Jeremy Soriano, Science Specialist
[email protected]
Jeremy is no stranger to Kapolei High as he is a proud graduate. He has already given back by being a long-term substitute, part-time teacher, and now full time Biology instructor. Jeremy received a B.S. in Biology at the University of Oregon and completed his certification as a secondary education teacher at the University of Hawaiʻi. He says, "As a waterman, I often find myself in complete awe when I watch the warm clouds and the dark silhouettes of trees during sunset. To me, nature is beautiful: from the intricacies of the smallest cells to the mating songs of humpbacks, nature is art. As a member of the MLC team, I’m incredibly lucky and grateful to be able to work with individuals who share a similar appreciation and respect towards nature. It is with great honor and privilege to be able to promote the MLC vision and mission so that our community can make conscious decisions regarding their health and the health of the environment."
[email protected]
Jeremy is no stranger to Kapolei High as he is a proud graduate. He has already given back by being a long-term substitute, part-time teacher, and now full time Biology instructor. Jeremy received a B.S. in Biology at the University of Oregon and completed his certification as a secondary education teacher at the University of Hawaiʻi. He says, "As a waterman, I often find myself in complete awe when I watch the warm clouds and the dark silhouettes of trees during sunset. To me, nature is beautiful: from the intricacies of the smallest cells to the mating songs of humpbacks, nature is art. As a member of the MLC team, I’m incredibly lucky and grateful to be able to work with individuals who share a similar appreciation and respect towards nature. It is with great honor and privilege to be able to promote the MLC vision and mission so that our community can make conscious decisions regarding their health and the health of the environment."

Kristine Aiko Kawakami, Nursery and Restoration Manager
[email protected]
Aiko joined Mālama Learning Center in Fall 2020, building upon her love for growing plants and teaching. Aiko spent many formative years at Windward Community College as a student, tutor, and student instructor. She completed the Agripharmatech program, receiving certificates in Ethnopharmacognosy, plant phytobiology technology, and plant food production. Through mentorship from Dr. Teena Michael, her love of native plants was rekindled. She says, "I am thankful and honored to have the opportunity to be a part of Mālama Learning center and all that they are able to organize and accomplish for West Oʻahu. I hope to incorporate some of the fun biomedicinal products I've learned how to make from agripharmatech and personal research over the years. I hope to continue aiding in efforts to excite and cultivate a new generation of sustainable and culturally rich stewards. Science is AMAZING!!!"
[email protected]
Aiko joined Mālama Learning Center in Fall 2020, building upon her love for growing plants and teaching. Aiko spent many formative years at Windward Community College as a student, tutor, and student instructor. She completed the Agripharmatech program, receiving certificates in Ethnopharmacognosy, plant phytobiology technology, and plant food production. Through mentorship from Dr. Teena Michael, her love of native plants was rekindled. She says, "I am thankful and honored to have the opportunity to be a part of Mālama Learning center and all that they are able to organize and accomplish for West Oʻahu. I hope to incorporate some of the fun biomedicinal products I've learned how to make from agripharmatech and personal research over the years. I hope to continue aiding in efforts to excite and cultivate a new generation of sustainable and culturally rich stewards. Science is AMAZING!!!"

Mariah Gaoiran, Stewardship & Science Coordinator
[email protected]
Mariah first joined MLC in the fall of 2020 as a part of Kupu Hawaiʻiʻs Conservation Leadership Development Program. Born and raised in ʻEwa Beach, Oʻahu, she received a B.S. in Computer Science at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa before following her love for conservation and service. Since joining MLC, she has enjoyed expanding her knowledge on the native plants of West Oʻahu, leading the next generation in workdays, and developing her video-production skills. She completed her second term with Kupu and MLC as a Kupu ʻĀina Corps member. Then she was hired as MLC's full-time Stewardship & Science Coordinator! Mariah enjoys gardening, drawing, practicing her cello, and playing video games. In the future, she hopes to pursue her interest in designing home gardens.
[email protected]
Mariah first joined MLC in the fall of 2020 as a part of Kupu Hawaiʻiʻs Conservation Leadership Development Program. Born and raised in ʻEwa Beach, Oʻahu, she received a B.S. in Computer Science at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa before following her love for conservation and service. Since joining MLC, she has enjoyed expanding her knowledge on the native plants of West Oʻahu, leading the next generation in workdays, and developing her video-production skills. She completed her second term with Kupu and MLC as a Kupu ʻĀina Corps member. Then she was hired as MLC's full-time Stewardship & Science Coordinator! Mariah enjoys gardening, drawing, practicing her cello, and playing video games. In the future, she hopes to pursue her interest in designing home gardens.

Pauline Sato, Co-founder & Executive Director
[email protected]
Pauline has dedicated the past 30+ years to environmental preservation, working for organizations such as The Nature Conservancy, Bishop Museum, Moanalua Gardens Foundation, and Agricultural Leadership Foundation of Hawaiʻi. Her skill-set has enabled her to assume various positions, from environmental educator and teacher trainer to volunteer coordinator, natural resources program manager, public awareness coordinator, and leadership program director. A strong believer in working with partners to accomplish shared goals, she has also served on several boards and councils, including the Hawai‘i Environmental Education Association, North American Association for Environmental Education, Mālama Hawai‘i, Hawai‘i Academy of Science, and the State of Hawai‘i Environmental Council. Pauline’s extensive career in conservation has helped her build a broad network among people working to protect natural, cultural, and agricultural resources throughout Hawaiʻi. She is a graduate of the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor with a B.S. in Natural Resources and has a Master's of Educational Technology from the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa. Being a co-founder of Mālama Learning Center gives her immense pride.
[email protected]
Pauline has dedicated the past 30+ years to environmental preservation, working for organizations such as The Nature Conservancy, Bishop Museum, Moanalua Gardens Foundation, and Agricultural Leadership Foundation of Hawaiʻi. Her skill-set has enabled her to assume various positions, from environmental educator and teacher trainer to volunteer coordinator, natural resources program manager, public awareness coordinator, and leadership program director. A strong believer in working with partners to accomplish shared goals, she has also served on several boards and councils, including the Hawai‘i Environmental Education Association, North American Association for Environmental Education, Mālama Hawai‘i, Hawai‘i Academy of Science, and the State of Hawai‘i Environmental Council. Pauline’s extensive career in conservation has helped her build a broad network among people working to protect natural, cultural, and agricultural resources throughout Hawaiʻi. She is a graduate of the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor with a B.S. in Natural Resources and has a Master's of Educational Technology from the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa. Being a co-founder of Mālama Learning Center gives her immense pride.

Sasha Mieko Kahanu Kaiwi Giron, Nursery Technician
[email protected]
Sasha was raised in Waipiʻo, ʻEwa, Oʻahu. She has a B.A. in Hawaiian Studies: Mālama ʻĀina from Hawaiʻinuiākea: School of Hawaiian Knowledge from the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa. She joined Mālama Learning Center in the summer of 2018 as a PIPES (Pacific Internship Programs for Exploring Sciences) intern under (now-retired) Bruce Koebele, and has returned as a part-time Nursery Technician. She also works part-time as a kākoʻo kumu at Pūnana Leo o Mānoa. Sasha tries to ʻauamo kuleana as a Kanaka Maoli by restoring native forests and educating people about native plants through MLC and perpetuating ʻōlelo Hawaiʻi at the ʻAha Pūnana Leo. Sasha enjoys being outdoors, spending time with her family, taking nature pictures, finding new foodie places, and not only enjoys but is honored to continue to Aloha ʻĀina. Her favorite ʻōlelo noʻeau is “Huli ka lima i lalo, ola.” Which means “turn the hands down, live.” This ʻōlelo noʻeau talks about how when you turn your hands down to work and care for the ʻĀina, it will in turn nourish you. Her favorite verse is 1 Cor. 13:13.
[email protected]
Sasha was raised in Waipiʻo, ʻEwa, Oʻahu. She has a B.A. in Hawaiian Studies: Mālama ʻĀina from Hawaiʻinuiākea: School of Hawaiian Knowledge from the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa. She joined Mālama Learning Center in the summer of 2018 as a PIPES (Pacific Internship Programs for Exploring Sciences) intern under (now-retired) Bruce Koebele, and has returned as a part-time Nursery Technician. She also works part-time as a kākoʻo kumu at Pūnana Leo o Mānoa. Sasha tries to ʻauamo kuleana as a Kanaka Maoli by restoring native forests and educating people about native plants through MLC and perpetuating ʻōlelo Hawaiʻi at the ʻAha Pūnana Leo. Sasha enjoys being outdoors, spending time with her family, taking nature pictures, finding new foodie places, and not only enjoys but is honored to continue to Aloha ʻĀina. Her favorite ʻōlelo noʻeau is “Huli ka lima i lalo, ola.” Which means “turn the hands down, live.” This ʻōlelo noʻeau talks about how when you turn your hands down to work and care for the ʻĀina, it will in turn nourish you. Her favorite verse is 1 Cor. 13:13.

Shay Pōmai Garcia-Yamashita, Restoration Technician
[email protected]
Pōmai was born and raised in the ahupuaʻa of Waiʻanae, Oʻahu. She received her B.S. in Environmental Science and a certificate in Hawaiian Studies from the University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo. Pōmai has worked with MLC through her time at Waiʻanae High School and Kupu, Hawaiʻi. Pōmai worked with Kupu as an Environmental Education Leader at Waiʻanae High School creating ʻāina-based lessons, coordinating site visits, bringing in NR professionals into the classroom, and working at career fairs. Pōmai has also participated in HYCC (Hawaiʻi Youth Conservation Corps) through Kupu where she found her passion in ʻāina and perpetuating Hawaiian culture through mālama ʻāina. In her spare time, Pōmai enjoys lei making, hiking, spending time with her ʻohana and friends and giving back to ʻāina. Pōmai’s long-term goal is to give back to her lāhui, educate haumāna about Hawaiian cultural practices and mālama ʻāina.
[email protected]
Pōmai was born and raised in the ahupuaʻa of Waiʻanae, Oʻahu. She received her B.S. in Environmental Science and a certificate in Hawaiian Studies from the University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo. Pōmai has worked with MLC through her time at Waiʻanae High School and Kupu, Hawaiʻi. Pōmai worked with Kupu as an Environmental Education Leader at Waiʻanae High School creating ʻāina-based lessons, coordinating site visits, bringing in NR professionals into the classroom, and working at career fairs. Pōmai has also participated in HYCC (Hawaiʻi Youth Conservation Corps) through Kupu where she found her passion in ʻāina and perpetuating Hawaiian culture through mālama ʻāina. In her spare time, Pōmai enjoys lei making, hiking, spending time with her ʻohana and friends and giving back to ʻāina. Pōmai’s long-term goal is to give back to her lāhui, educate haumāna about Hawaiian cultural practices and mālama ʻāina.

Virginia Delgado, Education & Community Partnerships Coordinator
[email protected]
Virginia has worked in the environmental education field for over 10 years in the San Francisco Bay area, inspiring the next generation to care about natural resources and promoting the next generation of environmental leaders. She moved to Kapolei and is thrilled to get back to her roots, working to support environmental education while giving back to the community and supporting teachers and students.
[email protected]
Virginia has worked in the environmental education field for over 10 years in the San Francisco Bay area, inspiring the next generation to care about natural resources and promoting the next generation of environmental leaders. She moved to Kapolei and is thrilled to get back to her roots, working to support environmental education while giving back to the community and supporting teachers and students.